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A Question for Fellow Pentax People
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Since no FF Pentax seems to be in the offing...
That doesn't matter to me; I'm a Pentax loyalist, and I'll never abandon the brand
 18%  [ 4 ]
I want a FF Pentax, but I'm content to wait until Pentax sees fit to launch one - however long that takes
 31%  [ 7 ]
If Pentax isn't going to give me a FF DSLR, I'm seriously thinking of buying a FF camera from a different manufacturer - to use alongside my Pentax camera(s)
 36%  [ 8 ]
If Pentax isn't going to give me a FF DSLR, I'm seriously thinking of "upgrading" to a FF camera from a different manufacturer, as a replacement for my current Pentax camera(s)
 13%  [ 3 ]
Total Votes : 22

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 1:36 pm    Post subject: A Question for Fellow Pentax People Reply with quote

Hi All,

I've been a Pentax person for a very long time. When I routinely shot film, Pentax SLRs (M42, K-mount, 6x7 and even 110) always constituted the core of my collection. My first DSLR was an istDL, and I currently use a K20D - and I'm very happy with it.

After the usual pre-Photokina flurry of rumors over at pentaxforums, it appears that the basic specs of the two new Pentax models have been pretty reliably established. Neither camera uses a FF sensor, and there remains, as of this date, no official Pentax "roadmap" that includes a FF camera.

Unlike many current Pentax users, who seem to be most interested in low-light and video capabilities (and who disclaim interest in FF because a FF camera would require an investment in new AF lenses optimized for FF), I'm primarily interested in having a FF camera that will be hospitable to my legacy lenses - dispensing with the APS-C crop factor and allowing them to revert to their true focal lengths. I suspect that many of my Pentax-using colleagues here may have a similar perspective on the matter.

For some people, judging by the posts at pentaxforums, this is seen as a make-or-break moment for Pentax: a pivotal point where users who have been patient about the lack of a FF Pentax may actually start to jump ship in favor of other brands.

I'm not a Canon person; I've never particularly enjoyed shooting with a Canon camera, digital or otherwise. But I think I'm getting close to the point where I have to consider a FF Canon DSLR, instead of waiting for the FF Pentax that may never be (internal code name: "Godot"). I guess I've always thought of that choice as an "either/or" - in essence, abandoning the Pentax platform in favor of Canon. But lately, I've been wondering whether it might make more sense to keep a Pentax body around (for a lot of reasons: sentiment, better interface, more seamless acceptance of legacy glass), and add a Canon FF body - probably used - as well.

All of this led me to wonder: are other Pentax folks having the same thoughts? Are you getting close to giving up on a FF Pentax DSLR, and starting to consider other alternatives - either as a replacement for, or an adjunct to, your Pentax gear?



PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 1:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The thought of getting a FF camera appeals. However, I think I should be patient at least till the very well known FF camera is upgraded to a mirror -less version. Perhaps by then, Pentax would even have a FF mirror less version? Meanwhile I will stick with my K20D.
I note Sony have just announced a mirrorless SLR, so presumably the rush to compete by other manufacturers is on?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am not brand loyal - why should I be, I use vintage. Right now I use the best camera I've ever had, K20D, and am quite happy with it. Besides I can't adfford a FF until maybe years from now. If/when I get one, it'll also have a digital viewfinder and flange distance suitable for rangefinder lenses. Also, it must have an in-body image stabilizer. Lacking it will kill the deal.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 4:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

my vote went to option 3.

The bigger viewfinder of a FF camera better for manual focusing is alluring, just as mush as the desire to use vintage glass at their original focal length.

Sometimes I do feel the urge for getting a 5D, but chances are I won't.

Only 7 months ago I bought the K-x. I like the camera. With a MF prime mounted I love the package for being that small.
Carrying 10+ lenses with me on my travels seem to ridicule the size advantage, but when out shooting it is usually one lens mounted and another in the bag.
In short: For my personal use the size advantage of the K-x outweighs the advantages of a 5D
( I have had Canon/Nikon users thinking that my camera was not a dSLR but a bridge, only believed me after I unscrewed my M42 lens and pointed at the mirror Smile )

I am with beachboy and Anu.
I anticipate getting a mirrorless camera with a very good EVF, good ergonomics and inbody stabilization taking many mounts.
However I guess most again will use APS-C sensors. Wait for a FF could be long and at one point I may get a Canon after all.

a note on the Pentax users who say they may switch to another brand for a FF: Most of them exclusively use AF lenses. Some may have good reasons why they want a FF, but some seem to be a bit unreasonable. Hopefully many will continue to appreciate the strength of Pentax: well built, good handling cameras which, paired with one of the small Pentax primes, make a powerful, but very small package giving great IQ. Great for the outdoor / travel shooter. For that APS-C is even better.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 4:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just have a FF Pentax camera: Z-1, Mz-50, Me Super and Spotmatic.


PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 5:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think a fifth option should be included i.e.

'As Pentax hasn't given me a FF DSLR, I have bought a FF camera from a different manufacturer - to use alongside my Pentax camera(s)'

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 5:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

How about another option:

"I'm happy with APS-C and have no interest in FF for now. "

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 6:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Thank you for the suggestions! I should have included both choices at the outset, but I don't seem to be able to edit the poll options at this point.

@DigiChromeEd: I guess, given the options, your strongest affinity would be to option #3 - except that you've already acted, while procrastinators like me are still dithering.

@slick204: Quite right, thank you, that option should have been available. My apologies to the APS-C fans! Since I don't expect we'll be snowed under with responses, perhaps I can ask those of you who prefer the APS-C format to register your votes with a brief post to that effect.



PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm dreaming about ~20Mpx APS-H camera from Pentax with in body stabilization and non crippled KAF2 mount...

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

slick204 wrote:
How about another option:

"I'm happy with APS-C and have no interest in FF for now. "


I'm quite happy with my K200D.

As I do a lot of PP, FF means buying a faster computer to compensate processing time of bigger files.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 2:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

First of all, I am not a Pentax DSLR user so maybe this disqualify me from answering.

As a long time Minolta/Sony user, I was in the same situation as you are 2 years back when Sony did not have a FF DSLR. I have to go through the same thought process and decision like what you are going through now. I always said I will definite get a FF Sony when it came out. Now that there are 2 FF in Sony family, I still don't own one yet.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:23 am    Post subject: Re: A Question for Fellow Pentax People Reply with quote

Univer wrote:
After the usual pre-Photokina flurry of rumors over at pentaxforums, it appears that the basic specs of the two new Pentax models have been pretty reliably established. Neither camera uses a FF sensor, and there remains, as of this date, no official Pentax "roadmap" that includes a FF camera.

FF is old hat. Pentax doesn't have a FF offering because they were smart, saw the competition in the FF market, and have chosen to skip FF in order to go one step beyond. Cool

The Pentax 645D is an incredible achievement, but in a way just a stepping stone. It is crazy to think that we will ever use the words "Affordable", "Medium Format", and "Digital" all in the same sentence... but Pentax is working hard to make that happen. Cool And when they do, they will be so far ahead that they'll have the market all to themselves. Cool

PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I recently switched to Canon for the AF! Having FF now is a bonus. I don't see the 35mm Format as the holy grail of DLSR cameras.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 2:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is a sane and refreshing Pentax FF thread if I've ever seen one. Of course I would love to have FF for my manual lens collection, but I'm not like those bitchy zealots throwing temper tantrums on other forums. You know what I'm talking about. Give me what I want now or I'll sell all my Pentax gear in a childish fit. It's out of control.

Pentax is still the best system for me and my manual lenses.

A nice used Canon 5D with a good focusing screen would be my next choice.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 5:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jeff Zen wrote:
A nice used Canon 5D with a good focusing screen would be my next choice.

I did exactly that a couple of months ago: sold my *istD and Ds, a few lenses and analog cameras, and bought a used 5D. What I miss from the Pentax cameras is their small size, light weight, auto white balance, and incredibly ergonomic controls. What I love about the 5D is picture quality, the large viewfinder (even though the AF marks ruin it a bit for MF), and ability to mount Nikon lenses via an adapter.

I debated buying a K-x or K7, but the FF lure won. But I will probably get a used K-x as soon as their price drops significantly.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

But I will probably get a used K-x as soon as their price drops significantly.

Ha! I was thinking along the same line!

PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 1:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm quite happy plodding along with my K10D. When I need to upgrade, I'll pick up a K20D or whatever. A FF Pentax would be nice, but not really needed here, in my world.
Besides, by the time Pentax brings one out, it will be outclassed by the iPhone 10.