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Canon Full-Frame Users are Butchering Pentax MF Lenses!
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 4:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Laughing Laughing Laughing

PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 5:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


That's why I am trying to find a way out how to do a reversible conversion:)

Can I just bend the lever in certain angle?

Option B: wait for Pentax mirrorless FF which has been announced weeks ago. Hope Sony joins the band for FF EVIL:)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 5:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

nixland wrote:
Hope Sony joins the band for FF EVIL:)

The Sony A99 will be EVIL, but it looks like it will be a long wait: http://www.sonyalpharumors.com/sr5-sony-delays-the-a99-launch/

PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 5:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Aren't we getting to sentimental?

I mean, those who buy the lens have the right to do whatever they want with it.

Personally I get attached to stuff to easily, but I don't really feel in my right to complain about what other do to their stuff. Of course, reselling it without stating the exact condition is dishonest regardless anything else.

Just my two cents

PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 5:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

jito wrote:
Aren't we getting to sentimental?
Yes, we probably are Laughing

...but Canikon owners that abuse fine Pentax lenses should at least serve 25 years hard labour in Siberia Cool That would be fair, I think Very Happy

PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 10:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's mostly personal.

I don't have the strong will to chop up nikkor lenses, just to fit my pentax bodies, esp when the lens is a beautiful piece and hard to find. I got my nikkor ais 180/2.8ed for cheap, but it's like a virgin (as new). I turned on and off several times the dremel in my hand, and let go, and same as the zuikos. I just grab the film bodies, until recently i got the nex.

One can actually do whatever with his/hers, but as for respect of engineering art, they should keep it for themselves and should never release that lens to the market. I might be old fashion, but I do care for my gears and keep them in original shape. And some other I bought the lot cheaply from, they treat their lenses as babies.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 9:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

GrahamNR17 wrote:
Canikon owners that abuse fine Pentax lenses should at least serve 25 years hard labour in Siberia Cool That would be fair, I think Very Happy

Yes, quite fair. And another 15 years if it's a K50/1.2 or any A*. Fortunately, the prior owner of my K50/1.2 was a 4/3 shooter and had only trimmed the aperture flag a little bit, so it still works on my Pentax dSLR.

Ah, Siberia. Back around 1990, when I lived in coastal hills an hour north of San Francisco California, I was listening to shortwave on a Sony ICF-2010 receiver with a long-wire antenna, and I picked up a signal that WRTH identified as coming from a Siberian city. A little research showed that this city was of the old Gulag. That's right, prison camps, salt mines, the whole thang. And what was this station broadcasting? Old USA music. (That's the Sound of the Men) WORKING ON THE CHAIN GANG. THE WORK SONG (Been working down in the coal mine). THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL. FOLSOM PRISON BLUES. Yes, old jazz and blues about prisons and mines. Oh, those DJs had such a sense of humor!

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 9:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

RioRico wrote:

Ah, Siberia. Back around 1990, when I lived in coastal hills an hour north of San Francisco California, I was listening to shortwave on a Sony ICF-2010 receiver with a long-wire antenna, and I picked up a signal that WRTH identified as coming from a Siberian city. A little research showed that this city was of the old Gulag. That's right, prison camps, salt mines, the whole thang. And what was this station broadcasting? Old USA music. (That's the Sound of the Men) WORKING ON THE CHAIN GANG. THE WORK SONG (Been working down in the coal mine). THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL. FOLSOM PRISON BLUES. Yes, old jazz and blues about prisons and mines. Oh, those DJs had such a sense of humor!

Laughing Laughing

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 5:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Back on subject.

The MF forum has been really good to me. I started this thread. I was disappointed in the reaction to my news. Tired old cliches about God killing kittens every time a lens is defaced? Some very low responses, at least to me. Not what I usually see here.

I admit that I make modifications to my lenses, but this recent butchering bothered me. Is this hysterical to you? Do we really love our lenses or not?
I remember the guy who hit a yellowed 50mm f1.4 Tak with a sledgehammer rather than expose it to the sun to clear it.
I agree that you should be able to do what you want with your property, but do you really love lenses or not? I'm not so stupid to think I can stop this lens-chopping, but doesn't this impact the community?

Pentax K 28mm f2.8 adapted. Less clumsy modifiers are gluing the tabs back on for resale. Buyer beware.

Last edited by Jeff Zen on Sun Jan 15, 2012 6:51 pm; edited 5 times in total

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 5:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

....a film user cannot use a butchered lens again eh

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 5:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jeff Zen wrote:
Back on subject.

Pentax K 28mm f2.8 Way more of this going on than you realize. Less clumsy modifiers are gluing the tabs back on for resale. Buyer beware.

I don't understand this! It's so easy to remove the rear cover and in worst case bend the leveler. The lens is at least recoverable to working condition then :-/

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 7:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jeff Zen wrote:
The MF forum has been really good to me. I started this thread. I was disappointed in the reaction to my news. Tired old cliches about God killing kittens every time a lens is defaced? Some very low responses, at least to me. Not what I usually see here.
I think you need to calm down a bit and take a chill pill Wink

Breaking lenses is a hideous crime, given there's no reason to do it. But at the same time nobody will die.

Relaaaaax Cool

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 8:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Modified a Vivitar 28/2.0 CF for use on Canon, sold described as such to another Canon user. I don't see the problem (not a rare lens), as long as you describe the item faithfully.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 8:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

AhamB wrote:
Modified a Vivitar 28/2.0 CF for use on Canon, sold described as such to another Canon user. I don't see the problem (not a rare lens), as long as you describe the item faithfully.

That's not a problem indeed, but the problem is that there are fewer and fewer good lenses for us Pentaxians left.

Keep your hands off my A50/1.2! Very Happy

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 11:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

And please stay away from my K28/2...

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

All the more reason to go Leica.

When I got my Leicaflex gear I took my old Yashica stuff outside and smashed it, so there could be no going back.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jeff Zen wrote:
Back on subject.

The MF forum has been really good to me. I started this thread. I was disappointed in the reaction to my news. Tired old cliches about God killing kittens every time a lens is defaced? Some very low responses, at least to me. Not what I usually see here.

I admit that I make modifications to my lenses, but this recent butchering bothered me. Is this hysterical to you? Do we really love our lenses or not?
I remember the guy who hit a yellowed 50mm f1.4 Tak with a sledgehammer rather than expose it to the sun to clear it.
I agree that you should be able to do what you want with your property, but do you really love lenses or not? I'm not so stupid to think I can stop this lens-chopping, but doesn't this impact the community?

Pentax K 28mm f2.8 adapted. Less clumsy modifiers are gluing the tabs back on for resale. Buyer beware.

Though I have complete control of my own lens, I still give respect to fellow Pentaxian by considering not to cut the lever and find another way out.
So Jeff, could you give me some advice how to use & modify Pentax-A 50/1.2 on Canon 5D without cutting the aperture lever.
I want to preserve the mount especially the lever.

@FluffPuppy: I can not go Leica because as I remember Leica R doesn't have a standard (50-55) f/1.2 lens, and I want Pentax-A 50/1.2 lens, not Leica Smile

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If somebody changes things on his car, he has to live with that and accept the possibly reduces re-sale price.
Same with lenses.

I can understand that Pentax users would prefer the lenses to be in original state, but if Canon users cut off things there is nothing they can do about it. With you personal property you can do whatever you want.
Because I think it's also understandable when someone wants to use a lens he has.

As I said, I only see a problem there if it is a truely rare lens and and such almost some kind of cultural sin. In the same way as it would be a sin if someone who owns a Van Gogh would paint some additional strokes on it. Wink

But if it is a photo of a Van Gogh picture, he can do whatever he wants. Nothing rare would be harmed.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Spotmatic wrote:
That's not a problem indeed, but the problem is that there are fewer and fewer good lenses for us Pentaxians left.

I think that with Pentax being one of the small brands, you're lucky that you can still use your legacy lenses with automatic aperture at all. Look at all the other brands; none of them except Nikon (ok, there's Leica M too) still have camera bodies that can work with their MF legacy lenses. Film is an ending story too, so at some point using a film body can't be a reason anymore to preserve these lenses. I'd rather see them in use on digital bodies, with or without aperture lever, than standing uselessly in some collector's show case. Wink

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

nixland wrote:

Though I have complete control of my own lens, I still give respect to fellow Pentaxian by considering not to cut the lever and find another way out.
So Jeff, could you give me some advice how to use & modify Pentax-A 50/1.2 on Canon 5D without cutting the aperture lever.
I want to preserve the mount especially the lever.

I'm sorry but I have no advice for you. I'm just not that technically adept and I am not a Canon user.

I was giving a shout out to fellow Pentax users about the lens-chopping that's now going on. Obviously many, many Canon users will modify their personal property anyway they want, and they are entitled to. However, I don't have to like this do I?

What this means is less intact legacy lenses for sale down the road for Pentax film and digital users. So certain lenses will become even more scarce and prices will go up. Many of the most desirable old Pentax lenses are scarce enough already. Chopped lenses are reentering the market now. Chopped lenses are a new sub-category of Pentax legacy lenses. I thought this might be worth discussing here. Chop,chop.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:39 pm    Post subject: This is what mirrorless cameras are for Reply with quote

As much as I hate seeing well-made bits of technology butchered, when it's harder to do it right, I understand why people do it wrong. Of course, reselling a known-butchered lens without noting the modification is dishonest, but such a sale could innocently happen as modifications are forgotten by passing of time or owners....

Isn't it so much better to just buy a mirrorless body to use the lenses as is? My NEX-5 is great for this.

Incidentally, aside from M42, I avoid buying old lenses in mounts that work on modern DSLRs. The lens cost is usually higher in such mounts. Also, old lenses that are in obsolete mounts often have suffered less use and abuse -- if they're still around, they were often well kept because somebody thought they were too nice to get rid of even if they didn't get used anymore. Of course, as more people switch to mirrorless, the market will change, and we'll all have more expensive lenses with a higher probablity of problems..... Sad

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 5:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The problem is that I want to use my lens on full frame camera and there's still no full frame mirrorless camera yet.
The M9 is out of my budget.
I was dissapointed when Nikon release it's mirrorless IL camera ... it has smaller sensor than Oly Pen! ... more dissapointed when Canon insist not to make a mirrorless IL camera instead they release a new G12 type camera with larger sensor (G1X).

The Pentax mirrorless fullframe is the only hope Smile
Hurry Pentax .... ! Dont make me wait too long ... Smile

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 5:56 am    Post subject: Mirrorless sensor size headed the wrong direction Reply with quote

nixland wrote:
The problem is that I want to use my lens on full frame camera and there's still no full frame mirrorless camera yet.
The M9 is out of my budget.
I was dissapointed when Nikon release it's mirrorless IL camera ... it has smaller sensor than Oly Pen! ... more dissapointed when Canon insist not to make a mirrorless IL camera instead they release a new G12 type camera with larger sensor (G1X).

The Pentax mirrorless fullframe is the only hope Smile
Hurry Pentax .... ! Dont make me wait too long ... Smile

I'm pretty sure many old lenses will look a lot worse in the corners of full frame sensors, so the benefit over APS-C might not be as big as hoped given the resolution we're now used to on APS-C... but I'd still like a full frame sensor too.

Sony supposedly has a full-frame A/E-mount NEX in the works... but they're still having trouble getting NEX-7 out the door after the floods, so I expect delays. The Pentax (Q), Nikon (v1, j1), and Canon (Cinema EOS C300) mirrorless offerings from last year are all depressingly sad ways to capture digital stills using old glass. All have smaller sensors than standard APS-C and the Canon shoot 2MP stills!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have been waiting for the ¤%&/¤ FF digital body from pentax for very very long time.
I think it's fair that everyone suffers too Twisted Evil

A mirrorless FF is a very good idea.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:59 am    Post subject: Re: Mirrorless sensor size headed the wrong direction Reply with quote

ProfHankD wrote:
...I'm pretty sure many old lenses will look a lot worse in the corners of full frame sensors, so the benefit over APS-C might not be as big as hoped given the resolution we're now used to on APS-C... but I'd still like a full frame sensor too.

How bad it would be to have old wide angle lenses on a crop body?
I am very happy with 14/2.8, 17/3.5, 18/4, 24/1.4, 25/2.8 mm lenses on the sensor format they are designed for - and not only a smaller part of that.

A full frame camera with short register could be interessting, but I am not sure wheter I would like the electronic viewfinder. Furthermore I probably would not like the cost of this camera, or other things about it.