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Any info on this two lenses?
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:49 am    Post subject: Any info on this two lenses? Reply with quote

Does anyone have any info about or experience with these two lenses?

Galaxy Telephoto 1:3.5 f=135 mm

Super Palar Auto f=28mm 1:2.8

PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Galaxy is possibly a 'Prinz Galaxy' - a brand sold by Dixons a long time ago, I had a 35mm and it was bad ! I mean awful.... Shocked

The 28mm ? There's a lot of re-branded stuff about, it could be made by anyone. I don't recognise the style anyway.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I remember this thread in which palar lenses are discussed:


PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

inombrable: By your number of posts, I presume you are new to manual focus lenses as well as this forum. It appears just from this question that you are walking the familiar road of discovering and collecting (amassing) more mediocre lenses than good ones. I strongly suggest, as I and other have before (usually ignored) to browse the forum in search of the better lenses and target those only. It will save you money in the long run, and maybe short run too.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, it looks the same as my Itohkogaku Higon - branded 135/3.5 lens.

See this thread: http://forum.mflenses.com/itohkogaku-higon-135-3-5-preset-samples-t19061,highlight,%2Bhigon.html

My lens s/n is H80919, yours starts also with a H.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You are right, it looks like the Itoh Higon
Thats a collectible item right there, these aren't common.

Some times we aren't looking for good lenses; sometimes we are looking for INTERESTING lenses !

PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

luisalegria wrote:

Some times we aren't looking for good lenses; sometimes we are looking for INTERESTING lenses !

Sometimes I get distracted by photography.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

luisalegria wrote:
Some times we aren't looking for good lenses; sometimes we are looking for INTERESTING lenses !


PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Attila wrote:
luisalegria wrote:
Some times we aren't looking for good lenses; sometimes we are looking for INTERESTING lenses !


+1 Smile Smile

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:12 am    Post subject: Interesting lenses Reply with quote

walter g wrote:
Attila wrote:
luisalegria wrote:
Some times we aren't looking for good lenses; sometimes we are looking for INTERESTING lenses !


+1 Smile Smile

+1 and you can have a ton of fun with a bunch of "Intresting" lenses for the price of one piece of L glass! Laughing

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

woodrim wrote:
inombrable: By your number of posts, I presume you are new to manual focus lenses as well as this forum. It appears just from this question that you are walking the familiar road of discovering and collecting (amassing) more mediocre lenses than good ones. I strongly suggest, as I and other have before (usually ignored) to browse the forum in search of the better lenses and target those only. It will save you money in the long run, and maybe short run too.

I understand what you are saying and it is a good point....I still enjoyed the journey of trial and error of those "interesting" lenses...especially the early Soligors and Auto Rikenons (at which point I fell in love with the all metal lens). Very Happy

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So what is interesting about these two lenses?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:48 pm    Post subject: Interesting lenses Reply with quote

hoanpham wrote:
So what is interesting about these two lenses?

Please excuse me if I am drifting off-topic here, but I find these lenses very interesting.

We live in a rather cookie-cutter photographic world. Are there any mainstream lenses made today which aren't computer designed and manufactured on computer-controlled equipment? Probably not. This is not a bad thing, as it introduces a level of quality, performance and consistency which was not possible even a few years ago. However, while some companies might tweak their optical designs away from the computer derived "optimum" values, or add some kind of proprietary magic, the resulting differences which may exist between their product and other manufacturers are often quite subtle. I am talking here more about subjective differences as opposed to objective MTF data. The lenses posted in this thread are from another era when the differences between lens designs, lens manufacturers, and even individual lens copies were much more pronounced. Can you look through a copy of National Geographic today and identify which lens was used to take which photo? Probably not, but I bet there was a time when you could. Old US Navy photographers used to say they could immediately spot photos taken with the Kodak Medalist and its Ektar lens.

You never quite know what you are going to get when you mount one of these "classic lenses" on your camera. Every lens is more or less an adventure! I personally derive a lot of pleasure in finding that lost treasure, or that "sleeper classic", or the lens that renders a scene like no other lens can (maybe because of its abberations, its hand polished optical surfaces, or it's build-up of fungus). Ok, I'll get down off my soap box, now. Whatever floats your boat, go out and shoot (pictures).

All the best,


PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

woodrim wrote:
inombrable: By your number of posts, I presume you are new to manual focus lenses as well as this forum. It appears just from this question that you are walking the familiar road of discovering and collecting (amassing) more mediocre lenses than good ones. I strongly suggest, as I and other have before (usually ignored) to browse the forum in search of the better lenses and target those only. It will save you money in the long run, and maybe short run too.

Hey woodrim, thanks for the advice, i am not that new to manual focus lenses but i am new to the forum.

One of the things that drives me to buy any lens is its history (if I know some of it) and most of all if it "looks interesting" or "attractive" to me, not only Image quality but the lens itself, I am not a pro photographer, not even close to being one so i mainly enjoy taking my camera and shooting at anything that is around, 90% of my pictures are erased from my DSLR seconds after i took them. And about film well, in there i need to be more careful.

I think most people can browse the forum like you said and see all the thousands of reviews around the net and select the top of the top of the top lenses, but in my case, first of all that is not my cup of tea because what i explained before and second because my budget is so tight this moment of my life that even if i want to buy the latest Leica, Nikon, Zeiss or any other brand i can't afford it, i just can't even old Leicas, Voigtlanders, Angenieux, and similar lenses are out of my reach, so I am comfortable now trying this lenses.

By the way, i didn't exactly bought this two lenses, they were in the same pack with a Praktica LLC with a mint (but very dirty) pancolar 50 1.8 which was the one that I was interested in.

Maybe one day i will have the money and will to buy the top of the top lenses as you suggested (at least I hope) but for now i am happy with this "ugly" chaps.


Yes it looks exactly the same but in silver finish, that is very exciting, everyday you can discover something new. Thanks a lot for you reply. I will look for more info on your lens.

And thanks to all for your replys. It ended up being a nice discussion!!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for the note, inombrable. I wasn't perfectly clear... I really wasn't suggesting the best and most expensive glass, just the best of what you can afford. I have acquired what I believe is a very nice assortment of focal lengths while staying within my self imposed spending limit of $100 for any lens. Most of mine have been well under that limit with only a select few approaching that number. However, I have also acquired some "interesting" lenses that have quickly lost my interest, and that money would have been better spent elsewhere. I can certainly find better lenses than what I have, but not likely within my affordability. And by the way, Orio had started a good post where folks listed their favorites along with sample pictures and explanations of why they liked the lens.

Although it is hard not to get caught up in the hardware aspect, I've tried to resist that in favor of the photography. I also don't care much about how a lens looks as long as it performs well. What good is a fancy looking lens when I'm standing right behind it? Very Happy And I should mention, I have some interesting lenses I'd gladly sell.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think what you say is right, dind´t say it before but although being "new" in the forum i've browsed it for several years to learn about lenses, cameras, and photography in general so in few words i've done what you suggested in your first post several times before i buy a lens, but sometimes even when review was not great i went for it.

One thing about being on a small budget (because your self imposed limit of $100 is more than twice my "pocket imposed" limit !!!) is that you get really really good at finding bargains and as well as you i have managed to gather some good glass at very good prices.

And talking about your "interesting" lenses, it doesn´t hurt to take a look at them.