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"New generation" of defective Rollei QBM adapters
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 12:29 pm    Post subject: "New generation" of defective Rollei QBM adapters Reply with quote

I ordered a QBM to EOS adapter from Big-is.
[ http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120964817155&ssPageName=ADME:X:AAQ:US:1123 ]

But I was not very careful.
The adapter was thin and shiny, but lacked "a few" features.
Or so I think.

I have sent this photo to the seller and I am waiting for his reply.
I doubt this adapter could attach to ANY lens mount.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 12:45 pm    Post subject: Re: "New generation" of defective Rollei QBM adapt Reply with quote

Nikos wrote:
I ordered a QBM to EOS adapter from Big-is.
[ http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120964817155&ssPageName=ADME:X:AAQ:US:1123 ]

But I was not very careful.
The adapter was thin and shiny, but lacked "a few" features.
Or so I think.

I have sent this photo to the seller and I am waiting for his reply.
I doubt this adapter could attach to ANY lens mount.

This bottom one is the conversion adapter which convert your QBM lens to EOS. They only sell these adapter but they would not try it themselves.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 1:11 pm    Post subject: Re: "New generation" of defective Rollei QBM adapt Reply with quote

calvin83 wrote:

This bottom one is the conversion adapter which convert your QBM lens to EOS. They only sell these adapter but they would not try it themselves.

In this case, it is false advertising.
Too bad for them. They need their 100% rating.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 1:30 pm    Post subject: Re: "New generation" of defective Rollei QBM adapt Reply with quote

Nikos wrote:
calvin83 wrote:

This bottom one is the conversion adapter which convert your QBM lens to EOS. They only sell these adapter but they would not try it themselves.

In this case, it is false advertising.
Too bad for them. They need their 100% rating.

Their rating is already better than most other camera accessories seller. Wink

PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 2:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It is the usual effect: once something gets into a hype, many sellers jump on the bandwagon and want to make money.
I have good experiences with Big-Is I must say, but the more sellers offer those adapters, the worse the average quality gets, so it seems.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 2:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, I've had problems with Big_is adapters before. None of his FD-NEX adapters allowed infinity with most of my FD glass. To his credit, he sent me a replacement free of charge twice. I've ordered some other adapters from him and they were fine.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 6:27 am    Post subject: you should learn how to use this new adapter... Reply with quote

this is a mount changing adapter, you need to remove those 3 or 5 screws off and then take the bayonet piece away from the lens, then match up the screws holes and get the screws on from the back side of the adapter to hold the lens Smile

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 1:06 pm    Post subject: Re: you should learn how to use this new adapter... Reply with quote

the_x_vision wrote:
this is a mount changing adapter, you need to remove those 3 or 5 screws off and then take the bayonet piece away from the lens, then match up the screws holes and get the screws on from the back side of the adapter to hold the lens Smile

Well, this is not called an adapter.

Anyway, I tried this. I unscrewed the mount, but the mount did not seem willing to go away.
It seemed stuck. And I did not want to exert much pressure on it.
This F-Distagon is older than me, and I do not want to do any harm to it.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 2:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I understand, i also have this kind adapter for my Carl Zeiss HFT 50 1.8, and my adapter is working without problem, I unscrew the mount and I could take the bayonets off very easily, but the reason I bought this adapter is it support focus confirmation sound beep and red dot, that's what i really need,

PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


I'm considering a mount conversion.

My lens is the F-Distagon 16mm F/2.8 HFT and it has five screws on the back, not three as in the pictures I have found/read about the mount conversion process. Will it be possible to change the mount using this, with my lens and if so is it done the same way as with the three screw lenses?

Anyone tried this and did you get infinity focus on a Canon EOS body?

Thanks in advance!
/ Johan

Last edited by johancederholm on Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:35 am; edited 1 time in total

PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've just fitted an adapter to a CZ Tele-Tessar 135/4 HFT which also has the five-screw fitting. It was a fiddle, the 4th and 5th screws hold a sprung cam operated by the aperture pin. And there is no way I can see to do it without removing the aperture pin (which most instructions tell you to leave in place.

Remove the inner baffle behind the rear element with a lens wrench and observe how the cam works - you'll need to get it back into this position later (the arm from the pin rides on-top of the cam roller).

Undo all five screws, remove the mount and extract the cam mechanism and the pin (watch, it has a spring that you need).

Use the 4th and 5th screws (the very short ones) to attach the cam mechanism to the new mount.

Now you need to get the pin and spring back into the locating hole. Hold it down with something (small screwdriver) through the mount opening whilst you lower the mount down into place. Keep the arm if the pin towards the centre of the lens (don't try and engage it with the cam yet). As you lower the mount the bottom of the cam will hopefully connect with the upward facing pin (it's not really a pin, it's flat but it sticks up). If not you may need to nudge the flat pin a bit. Lower the mount, holding the pin down until the mount is close enough to catch the pin and hold it in pace (there's 3-4mm of the pin below the locating hole that gives you leeway).

If you're lucky you can swing the arm onto the roller of the cam. My mount adapter had two screws holding down the piece that holds the pin down. I loosened one to allow me to raise the pin enough to swing over onto the cam roller and then secured it down again.

Put the inner baffle back behind the rear element.

There is no way I'm undoing this one for photographic instructions, but if I get another QBM lens I need to adapt I'll get photos then. Or if I'm mad enough to decide to switch this one for a chipped adapter at a later date.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 7:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

NIkos I m sorry but Big-Is in your case did not finish adapter.

I bought same adapter from a another dealer. I usually bought from dacheng2009 because he is cheapest and reliable.
This adapter-mount is very good but couple of lenses you have to extra adjusted.
One of them is VOIGTLANDER/COLOR-DYNAREX 135/4 or Carl Zeiss Tele-Tessar 4/135
there is extra screws.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 11:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hello All
Greetings from India.

I have a nikon system (DSLR & film SLR)

I recently managed to get a Rollei HFT planar 50 f1.8 in Rollei QBM mount . It is the made in Singapore version. Can you please let me know if these adapters are any good for me?




the last two look identical
My questions
1) Does anyone know of Mechanical issues for the above with Nikon DSLRs?
2) How is the performance of the glass element added in the adapter changing the overall lens performance

Thanks and regards


Edit: I dont know why, but I cant paste the link so if you guys can check Rollei QBM + NIkon on ebay, you will get three links...
ONe from Oprima, one from Big IS & last from weakpotoman.

Please help me select the appropriate one.
Thanks again!!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 4:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

nmp wrote:
Hello All
Greetings from India.

I have a nikon system (DSLR & film SLR)

I recently managed to get a Rollei HFT planar 50 f1.8 in Rollei QBM mount . It is the made in Singapore version. Can you please let me know if these adapters are any good for me?




the last two look identical
My questions
1) Does anyone know of Mechanical issues for the above with Nikon DSLRs?
2) How is the performance of the glass element added in the adapter changing the overall lens performance

Thanks and regards


Edit: I dont know why, but I cant paste the link so if you guys can check Rollei QBM + NIkon on ebay, you will get three links...
ONe from Oprima, one from Big IS & last from weakpotoman.

Please help me select the appropriate one.
Thanks again!!

OK.. If someone needs the links directly, just use quote button for the above post, MY link is visible then. You just have to copy paste after that.

Best Regards,


PostPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 6:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


All three should be the same. Not sure about the possible mechanical issues. If you plan to use it @ F1.8 or 2.8, I will expect sharpness and contrast and etc. will degrade at certain extent. Most of those adapter will works quiet well from F4 onwards. I have heard some of these glass adapter will produce vignetting on full frame digital camera or film camera. Make sure you ask before you buy from the seller.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

QBM with a Nikon, it will be limited by the quality of the correction lens in the adapter more than anything mechanical.

Welcome to the forum.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 4:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Calvin83 & George Salt,


All three should be the same. Not sure about the possible mechanical issues. If you plan to use it @ F1.8 or 2.8, I will expect sharpness and contrast and etc. will degrade at certain extent. Most of those adapter will works quiet well from F4 onwards. I have heard some of these glass adapter will produce vignetting on full frame digital camera or film camera. Make sure you ask before you buy from the seller.

QBM with a Nikon, it will be limited by the quality of the correction lens in the adapter more than anything mechanical.

Welcome to the forum.

Thanks for your welcome & valuable comments. I was extremely busy in the interim, and hence could not get back to you guys.
I am inclined to go with the one that's denoted MC, but am wary of manufacturers overestimating their product's capabilities.

In the event that I do not like what I get from the Lens + adapter combo what do I do? Besides what do I compare it against? The QBM Rollei is not very common as it is, and I don't know of anyone who has used that lens on a nikon dSLR. I am having a feeling I should just drop the idea rather than be stuck with a 45$ paperweight (Actually more like 110$, considering the lens will be a paperweight too). I realized now that the filter ring is also small- dont know if I will be able to reversse mount it i.e. find an adapter for it.

Should I break down the glass element (negating) the infinity focus? After that, will it be able to focus like a normal lens + adapter combo (minus the glass). I dont mind being limited to focus for a few feet, as I intended to use it solely as a portrait lens (50 *1.5 = 75 mm in Full frame eqvlt.) However I have my doubts about it working that way due to the difference in Flange focal distance.

Will someone correct me of I am wrong?

Best regards,

PostPosted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 5:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

For a 50mm, the focus distance may be just a few feets if you use the adapter without glass. Cannot be sure as we do not know the exact thickness of the adapter. Sharpens may not be a concern for portrait use. I would recommend you either use a native Nikon lens or get the lens converted if you really love use use lens at its full potential.