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Late summer walk with the K10D and the Tamron 58A 70-210
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 7:20 pm    Post subject: Late summer walk with the K10D and the Tamron 58A 70-210 Reply with quote

This morning has started sunny and hot, like in the summer. My daughter Julia came to visit us by surprise yesterday. Today we've decided to walk along the torrent that crosses Sant Pere de Ribes, the nearby village (where I keep my P.O.Box).
After a three hours walk, carrying the Mamiya 645e, the Chinon CM4S and the K10D with the Tamron 70-210 58A, my neck was not so happy as it was at the beginning, but it has been a nice exercise for the case one day I have to drive a F1 car...

Film will be developed next week, but digital shots are ready:

#1 Sant Pere church

#2 Sant Pere "castle"

#3 Several small new houses that are proliferating these days around

#4 Bushes

#5 Still old houses remain there

#6 Sun really hitting hard

#7 Look back to the way done

#8 Back to Sant Pere, cooking with solar ovens at the main square

#9 Poneys walking the children

A nice walk and a nice day...


PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 10:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Warming pictures!

Favorites are #5 and #6, but all are nice.
Number 8 is interesting. Wouldn't be much market for those ovens in Sweden.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 11:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very nice set Jes. As I have said before these "local" shots really bring home how diversified this group really is. I am always stunned by the number of non-english speaking members who make the effort to communicate and do such a marvellous job of it. Makes me embarassed Embarassed Embarassed . The ovens wouyld do OK in Southern Cal where I used to live, but not where I am now.


PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 3:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks Patrick and Sven for your kind comments.
The pictures are not of much quality, I know. I'm still figuring out how to properly use the K10D with the MF lenses. I was getting better results with the Canon and this lens.
As you say, I do prefer to share right now our local environment with not so good pictures, than waiting to have better ones (that may never arrive Wink ). The heavy top sun didn't help too much anyway, and now I'm not sure If I set the proper WB for that....


PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 4:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I love to see pictures of other parts of the world. Very interesting to me.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 4:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice ones, Jes, 3,5,6,8, and 9 are faves!


PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jesito wrote:
Thanks Patrick and Sven for your kind comments.
The pictures are not of much quality, I know. I'm still figuring out how to properly use the K10D with the MF lenses. I was getting better results with the Canon and this lens.
As you say, I do prefer to share right now our local environment with not so good pictures, than waiting to have better ones (that may never arrive Wink ). The heavy top sun didn't help too much anyway, and now I'm not sure If I set the proper WB for that....



Your welcome. Wink

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

nice series Jes
I can imagine 3 hours with so many hardware
I only care lot of hardware with my car and for comparison purpose.
Be careful, back pain are difficult to deal with

I'm not sure If I set the proper WB for that...

the first one have a unnatural green sky and the others are slightly off.
you should at least use adobe gamma to set neutral gray

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very nice series Jes !!
My favourite is #6
The solar ovens look like a really neat environmental solution!
The shrub in #4 with those cotton-like flower thingies (or whatever they are) is really an infesting pest here - it climbs over trees and eventually strangle them. I don't know it's name.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Schnauzer wrote:
I love to see pictures of other parts of the world. Very interesting to me.

Hi Ron, thanks for your comment. Iit's the same for me, I love to see how you other guys live in your different countries.


PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Katastrofo wrote:
Nice ones, Jes, 3,5,6,8, and 9 are faves!


Thanks Bill, I hope the film ones will be better...

Zewrak wrote:

Zewrak, many thanks for the suggestion.
When I bought the camera I was wondering if putting one on it. I suffered a lot when I did so on the 350D, and with the focus confirmation in the K10D it seemed redundant to me. But seeing the results, maybe I do need the focusing screen.
What I'd like to have is one of those that have the split line on a tilt. Having the split line horizontal makes difficult to focus when only horizontal lines are available in the subject, the tilted ones allow focusing without having to turn the camera 90º...

I think the colleague jlsa05 bought one of those, I've to ask him.

katastrofo wrote:
Nice ones, Jes, 3,5,6,8, and 9 are faves!

Thanks, Bill!

Poilu wrote:
nice series Jes
I can imagine 3 hours with so many hardware
I only care lot of hardware with my car and for comparison purpose.
Be careful, back pain are difficult to deal with

Thanks, Poilu!. I know, I used to have backaches until I started using a backpack. This time I wanted to go "light" so I left the backpack home...

Orio wrote:

Very nice series Jes !!
My favourite is #6
The solar ovens look like a really neat environmental solution!
The shrub in #4 with those cotton-like flower thingies (or whatever they are) is really an infesting pest here - it climbs over trees and eventually strangle them. I don't know it's name.

Thanks, Orio. The shrub you mention is not so common here, that's why it draw my attention, it was the first time I saw it around.
I'll be watching it Wink
