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(posts by kds315*)

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Contests and Special Events Macro Contest kds315* 19 Quality
Contests and Special Events Macro Contest kds315* 18 Quality
Contests and Special Events Macro Contest kds315* 12 Quality
Contests and Special Events Night and Infrared Contests kds315* 10 Quality
Contests and Special Events Best Abstracts Contest kds315* 9 Worth a look
Contests and Special Events Macro Contest kds315* 7 Worth a look
Contests and Special Events Night and Infrared Contests kds315* 6 Worth a look
'Best of Lenses' Gallery Meyer Trioplan 2.8/100mm kds315* 4 Acknowledged
Contests and Special Events Night and dusk pictures contest kds315* 4 Acknowledged
Manual Focus Lenses Zeiss macro lens question kds315* 4 Acknowledged
Contests and Special Events Best Abstracts Contest kds315* 4 Acknowledged
Contests and Special Events Portrait Contest kds315* 4 Acknowledged
Contests and Special Events Best Still Life Contest kds315* 3 Acknowledged
Oversized Gallery KOWA f1.1 37.5mm - catching November sunrays kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Oversized Gallery Hermagis does its magic kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Oversized Gallery Rudbeckia petal macro kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Digital Gallery MF Ornamental kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Manual Focus Lenses Modern Zuiko 1.8/75mm v classic Biotar 1.5/75mm kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Digital Gallery MF Tulips and russian 1.8/100mm lens kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Oversized Gallery Psychedelic Lilly kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Oversized Gallery Cooke Speed Panchro f2 108mm - flower shop kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Manual Focus Lenses Bring forth the wonder that is flare! kds315* 2 Acknowledged
'Best of Lenses' Gallery Topcor RE Auto f1.8 58mm kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Oversized Gallery Autum walk in the park with the CZJ Lamegon 38mm kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Digital Gallery MF Zeiss Lamegon does Spring Tulips kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Manual Focus Lenses A few test shots with the Kiron 105mm F2.8 MACRO kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Contests and Special Events Night and Infrared Contests kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Digital Gallery MF Spring break finally... kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Contests and Special Events Best Abstracts Contest kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Oversized Gallery Gazania multispectral using a simple quartz singlet lens kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Oversized Gallery Autum walk in the park with the CZJ Lamegon 38mm kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Oversized Gallery Kodak Ektar f2 63mm meets last autumn sunrays kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Digital Gallery MF Meyer Orestor f2.8 100mm does autumn walk kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Digital Gallery MF Winter Lunch Break Walk - Zeiss Lamegon 40mm on 12.12.12 kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Manual Focus Lenses Ultra-Achromatic-Takumar 85mm f4.5 kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Oversized Gallery Autum walk in the park with the CZJ Lamegon 38mm kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Manual Focus Lenses Zeiss macro lens question kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Oversized Gallery Kodak Ektar f2 63mm meets last autumn sunrays kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Digital Gallery MF Meyer Trioplan 50mm catches last autumn sunrays kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Digital Gallery MF Steinheil Culminon f1.5/75mm snow walk kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Official News and Announcements Venus Optics LAOWA 15mm f/4 1:1 Wide Angle Macro kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Manual Focus Lenses Kinoptik Apochromat 32mm meets the late autumn sun... kds315* 2 Acknowledged
'Best of Lenses' Gallery Topcor RE Auto f3.5 58mm Macro kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Manual Focus Lenses Apo Lanthar test Reports kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Oversized Gallery Takumar f2 58mm (Sonnar) and last October sun kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Digital Gallery MF Hermagis Projection lens kds315* 2 Acknowledged
Manual Focus Lenses Leitz Leica 35mm 1:3.5 Elmar Coated Lens 1933 kds315* 1 Acknowledged